Want to run your own advertorial in a special issue of COLD FACTS Magazine that has bonus distribution to thousands of attendees at Global Cold Chain Expo and the GCCA Pavilions at industry events across North America?
Here’s your chance. You can buy either one or two pages of the special-edition Refrigerated Warehousing & Logistics Showcase that will mail with the July-August 2023 issue of COLD FACTS Magazine and will be overprinted for bonus distribution at the events noted above.
You can fill your page(s) with any combination of articles and ads you wish. For example, you can run an article written by your CEO talking about the latest trends in the industry. Profile one of your best customers and how they are utilizing you as a partner. Talk about your latest value-added services. It’s up to you. One-page articles should be about 650 words and two-page articles can be about 1,300 words. If you use photos the word counts will be less.
Select your Advertising Package
(Ad reservation deadline: 5/20/25; material deadline 5/27/25)
One-page article/ad | $2,600 |
Two-page article/ad | $3,500 |
Back Cover | $3,500 |
Inside Front Cover or Inside Back Cover | $3,350 |
Contact us today to secure your space.
Contact: Jeff Rhodes | (410) 584-1994 |